The Technology of a 3D Engine , , Scene Graph ResourcesTerrain and Scene Graphs(关于scene graph的经典讨论,包括下面2个,一定要看,Yann L的回帖都是精华!!!)Combining Octrees and BSP trees... is it possible? ABTs, relaxing them and other questionsAnti-SceneGraphism: A Tale of Tom Forsyth's "Scene Graphs Just Say No" (这个帖子可是牛人多多,包括大名鼎鼎的 Tom Forsyth,Dave Eberly,AndyTX,还有众多斑竹)multi-view scenegraph, kd-tree, ABT, BVH, static vs dynamic objectsGeneral Question on Scenegraphs Bounding Volumes / ScenegraphDynamic objects in scene graphsOcclusion CullingScene Graphs and OctreesQuadtrees + Collision DetectionOctree + Portal engine questionOctrees and Scenegraphs... how do they work together?octrees vs kd-treesTo BSP or not to BSP..."Next Gen" game engine designa very basic kd-tree tutorial?Understanding and Implementing Scene GraphsDynamic objects in scene graphsEngine design questionsObject-Oriented Scene ManagementScenegraph Management: A discussionDynamic 3D Scene GraphsNeed some help with scenegraph/octree conceptScene Graph. DAG or Tree With Mesh List?Scene graphs and spartial partitioningYour scene graph designfrom :